Empowering women and their families to live healthier, happier lives.

Welcome! Nourish Your Health is dedicated to the recovery and healing from health issues by embracing the healing power of nature and food as medicine. I am Julia, a holistic nutritionist passionate about making a difference to people’s lives through nutrition and natural medicine.
I founded Nourish Your Health with the intention to connect you with the knowledge and tools you need to create good health and freedom for yourself and your family. When it comes to health knowledge is power. Whether you are just getting started, feeling overwhelmed by conflicting advice, you are not sure where to start or whether you are well on your way to healing but have questions and concerns, I am here to guide you through it. Having healed from chronic illness myself using plant-based foods and the right information has been a truly life-changing and empowering experience and has cemented my trust in the healing power of nature and the healing abilities of our bodies. My wish for you is to experience an equally empowering healing journey for yourself or your family.
I practise holistically by addressing physical and emotional health and consult with people seeking nutritional treatment for specific medical conditions as well as simply wishing to improve their general health and energy levels.
I welcome adults and children with all conditions. My special interest lies in women's health resulting from my own health and healing journey, especially thyroid and reproductive health. As a mother I feel particularly passionate about helping other mums regain and maintain good physical and emotional health. I share my own healing journey here.
We all have the ability to fully heal. Let your healing begin today!
Today's unique Health Challenges
Most of us face chronic symptoms on a daily basis: tiredness, anxiety, brain fog, headaches, bloating, digestive issues, reflux, hair loss, problems with sleep, eczema, acne and other skin issues, and the list goes on. Often we have become used to those symptoms and accepted them as our norm or simply see them as a part of getting older. Some of us had a diagnosis of an autoimmune disease that may feel a bit like a life- long sentence, something we’ll just have to live with. Some of us suffer from mystery symptoms and pain that don’t fit into any category and for which there seem to be no answers.
For some people, chronic illness has become truly debilitating and is affecting their ability to function on a daily basis, to simply get out of bed, to go to work, to take care of their children and to enjoy life. For others, the severity of symptoms may be less intense and but there is always something going on, always something wrong, always something 'to fix'. Many of us women live with undee the impression that our hormones are out of balance and need to be fixed, adrenal fatigue is a constant companion and our digestion and skin often cause problems. Through my own journey as a mother and the health journey I went through after giving birth, I feel particularly passionate about caring for other mothers and their children. Many new mums find themselves suddenly sick after pregnancy and childbirth. It's possibly the worst time ever to experience new health challenges or to deal with chronic symptoms that just won't go away.
Our babies and children experience symptoms at an ever earlier age. Health challenges like eczema, asthma, allergies and food intolerances, recurrent infections, digestive problems, sensory issues, learning and behavioural difficulties have become growing childhood epidemics. All parents only ever want the best for their children and they go through great length to find effective and natural solutions. Seeing our little ones suffer and can also severely affect our own health.
It takes understanding, knowledge and often a great deal of courage to begin to heal. You don't have to do it alone. Guidance and support is here for you. Begin your healing today!
A Path to Healing
Our diet, our lifestyle, our emotional health and environment all play a fundamental part in the development as well as the treatment of any health challenges. There are reasons why we struggle with our health and understanding the underlying drivers at work is crucial for beginning to healing. Having knowledge of what is really going on in our body represents a huge step forward on the healing journey. The goal here is not to mask symptoms but to start healing the body from the inside out. This is a journey and we take it one day at a time. Know that we all have the ability to fully heal. Our bodies are 100% healable. We can regain the trust in our bodies by supporting them with the healing food they require to ignite their innate healing ability. By surrounding ourselves with compassionate emotional support and community we can work through the emotional healing that comes with physical healing.
I deeply resonate with the information shared by Medical Medium Anthony William when it comes to understanding our body and how to regain health and well-being. I have been on a long healing path myself with many years spent researching and working on my own health and trialing many types of diets and nutritional treatments. Medical Medium information has enabled me to truly heal and it has filled me with confidence that we have the tools we need to combat any challenges in the future. It provides the most powerful guide we have to enjoy longevity and prevent the onset of disease. Having applied Medical Medium information myself and assisting other people through the process, as well as using the knowledge I have gained through my nutritional medicine studies and experience in my practice, I can assist and guide you find your own unique health protocol and truly heal.
Holistic Nutritonal Healing offers a safe and natural approach that enables you to take your health into your own hands. It focuses on food as medicine, it embraces the healing power of plants and herbs and uses therapeutic supplementation, lifestyle advice and intuitive emotional support for the treatment of disease.
You can heal. Your body can heal. Take it one day at a time. Start today!